Thursday, September 6, 2007

America Ferrera on the Cover of "Glamour"

The blogosphere has been all abuzz this week over Glamour magazine's new cover, featuring an extremely Photoshopped America Ferrera, and the corresponding cover story. We all know women's magazines shamelessly Photoshop all their covers, but Glamour did a terrible job with this one. They apparently left America's midsection alone while thinning her arms and neck for that sexy bobblehead look.
In addition to that, the corresponding interview has a title like a back-handed compliment: "Surprise! She's a Bombshell (and You Can Be One Too)." Why
is it a surprise that she's a "bombshell"? Because she's heavier than most actresses, or because she's Latina? I feel like when author Laurie Sandell says, "So 11 Emmy nominations for Ugly Betty, two new films in the works. You’re huge!" she means it in more ways than one.
I did find it interesting that America is very aware that her "curvy" figure has been appropriated by the public at large and that she has to be careful about her weight for fear of backlash. "Sometimes I worry more about losing weight than gaining weight, because this is how people know and accept me. I do feel like if I wanted to get in better shape, there might be a backlash of, Why isn't she comfortable with herself anymore?" she says. She has become the unwitting poster-girl of the stereotypical "curvy Latina," and isn't that too much pressure for one young woman to handle?
Both Guanabee and Jezebel have their own sarcastic takes on Glamour's pretty pitiful attempt at celebrating the kind of curvy Latina woman they usually ignore or even disdain. Thanks for trying, Glamour, but I think I'll stick with Latina - at least they're consistent.

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